
A Big Hello From Us To You!

April 21, 2017
Welcome to Glen Rock Macaroni Kid - your FREE family events resource for the Glen Rock, Fairlawn, Hackensack and surrounding areas!  Here you'll find all the best events and activities for kids and families in this area, so have fun!

Also a BIG hello & welcome to all new subscribers! Welcome to our little corner of the world. Enjoy yourselves and thanks so much for joining us!

Parenting is HARD work, amirite? Rewarding and amazing and beautiful, but messy and hard all at the same time. This week's newsletter is all about the parenting from a modern guide on baby-proofing your home to a look at whether parenting gets easier as kids get older (what do you guys think?) to helping to enable your child's emerging, creative mind. We've also got some spring cleaning tips (hint: throw out expired food!), as well as a delish recipe for super easy peanut butter & chocolate no-bake energy bites, and a sweet craft that your garden birds will LOVE. This edition of Macaroni Kid is full of info AND fun!

We've also got some fun events going on in the area that you can find in our event section, so be sure to head over there! There's Earth Day events and more! And keep on checking back on the reg, as things are being constantly added, to make sure you stay in the loop!

And remember to join the party on Facebook and Twitter as well! The more, the merrier! Have a wonderful weekend and even greater upcoming week, guys!
