
Shamrock Crystals

March 10, 2017

Looking for a cool decoration for St. Patrick's Day? How about one that involves some science-y fun? (And sparkles!) I found this neat experiment over on Housing a Forest and had to share!

How to make Shamrock Crystals


boiling water

a wide mouth glass mason jar

green and white pipe cleaners


a pencil

food coloring

(Borax can be found in the laundry isle. It is natural, but that does not mean it is safe. Borax should not me inhaled or ingested, so be careful.)

Instructions for making the crystals

1. Twist  your pipe cleaner into the desired shape. (You can find templates online to print out if you need 'em!)

2. You'll need 3 cups of boiling water per mason jar, 1/2 cup of Borax for each jar.  The more saturated your solution is, the larger your crystals will be.  Stir until all the borax is dissolved and the solution is clear, add food coloring if you desire.

3. Tie a string around the tail of the shamrock and tie the other end to a pencil.  Gently lower the shamrock into the solution making sure that it is not touching any sides or the bottom.  Set the jar in a safe spot that will not be disturbed.  Let sit overnight. Gently cut off the string and display in your window.

*original article on Housing a Forest*